Cleaning and disinfection in isolation areas in hospitals
Cleaning and disinfection in isolation zones is essential to reduce the risk of nosocomial infections and fight unnecessary contagion in hospitals.
Isolation areas in hospitals require a different hygienic treatment from rooms, waiting rooms or the burn unit, among others.
In these areas the risk of contagion is very high, so a correct implementation of cleaning and disinfection becomes especially important.
Next, we will talk about the frequency, the products required and the procedures necessary for cleaning and disinfection in hospital isolation areas.
Frequency of cleaning and disinfection in isolation zones
Products needed for cleaning and disinfection in isolation zones
Cleaning and disinfection procedure in isolation zones
Frequency of cleaning and disinfection in isolation zones
As a general rule, cleaning will be carried out twice a day. However, this frequency can be increased whenever it is considered necessary.
For example, if we have just cleaned and the space has become dirty, it is necessary to clean again to eliminate waste that could endanger the safety of people.

floor cleaning in hospitals
Each time the isolation is lifted or the patient is changed in these areas it is considered a critical moment.
That is why, the cleaning and disinfection that is performed in cases of high or new patient income must be in depth and always mandatory.
Products needed for cleaning and disinfection in isolation zones
For the cleaning of the insulation areas we will need a detergent, whose character will be conditioned by the type of waste to be removed. For example, to clean traces of blood, we will choose alkaline detergents or, what is the same, with a pH greater than 7.
We will also need low or medium level disinfectants, since high level disinfectants are exclusive for tool disinfection. We will avoid at all costs the use of antiseptics for surface disinfection.
For the application of these chemicals, we will need non-woven cloth cloths of a single use or mops of the same material and, if possible, of different colors to be able to code the cleaning.
Cleaning and disinfection procedure in isolation zones
The method of cleaning and disinfection is as important as the product to be used.
In the first place, we will freeze all the material that is in the area in order to offer greater control over cleaning and disinfection.
All surfaces, including floors, walls, furniture, windows, etc. should be cleaned and disinfected.
The entire process must be recorded in a written document and the infection control team may intervene to determine which disinfectant we should use.
The cleaning and disinfection of the isolation zones requires trained and highly qualified professionals.