How to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control in the workplace
The recent outbreak at Foxconn reflects from one aspect that workplaces and places such as collective dormitories/canteens have the same risks as medical institutions: employees work and live in close quarters, share open spaces, usually far from sinks, and may not be able to frequently go to the bathroom to wash your hands.
Recommendations from years of research into hand hygiene technology and health care facility compliance are now beginning to be applied in a variety of settings, with sensor-based sanitizing liquid dispensers in place not only reminding employees to maintain hand hygiene, but also when needed It can also be sterilized instantly, saving time and improving work efficiency. The most important thing is to prevent the spread and spread of the epidemic on a large scale, and to avoid the continuous shutdown of production and production, which will cause irreparable and heavy losses to enterprises.

Hand hygiene, infection control, covid-19
The touchless sensor setup blocks the spread of bacteria and reduces the risk of infection.
The detailed preventive measures are as follows:
1. Maintain good personal hygiene and immunity
(a) Avoid touching eyes, mouth and nose.
(b) Keep hands clean i. Keep hands clean often, especially before touching the mouth, nose or eyes; after using the toilet; after touching public facilities such as handrails or doorknobs, or when hands are contaminated with respiratory secretions, such as after coughing or sneezing.
2. Wash hands with liquid soap and water, rub for at least 20 seconds, rinse with water and dry with paper towels. When your hands are clean, do not touch the faucet directly (e.g. wrap the faucet with a paper towel before closing the faucet). If hand washing facilities are not available, or when hands are not visibly soiled, hand sanitizer containing 70-80% alcohol can be used.
(c) Regular temperature measurement. When you have fever or respiratory symptoms, or suddenly lose your sense of taste/smell, you should stop going to work, wear a surgical mask, avoid going to crowded places and seek medical attention as soon as possible.
(d) Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing, dispose of the used tissue in a covered trash can, and wash your hands thoroughly.
(e) All persons must wear masks at all times. For safety reasons, masks are not recommended for: Unsupervised children under two years of age (such as lounges, locker rooms, meeting rooms, pantries, etc.), masks must be worn at all times and sufficient social distance from others must be maintained. Stay at least 1.5 meters away from others when you are in situations where you cannot wear a mask, such as when eating, showering, or doing heavy physical work.
(g) Complete the entire vaccination.
(h) Maintain a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate rest, do not smoke and avoid alcohol to build up good body resistance.
(i) Use the “Safe Travel” mobile app to store travel records and find out if you have visited the same place at the same time as the confirmed patient.
(j) Special considerations when eating: i. Staff are advised to separate their meal times ii. They should maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters from others when eating, and avoid eating directly face-to-face or in designated places with effective separation. 3 iii. Wash hands before eating and before removing the mask. iv. Do not talk to others when eating with mask off until after eating and wearing mask. v. Environmental cleaning and disinfection should be performed after meals. vi. Dining places should be well ventilated and have adequate supply of fresh air.
(k) Special precautions for taking breaks: i. Maintain proper social distancing ii. Wear mask correctly iii. If mask cannot be worn, social distancing of at least 1.5m must be maintained. Avoid face-to-face conversations without wearing a mask.
(l) Special considerations for employees in common rooms/rooms with lockers/changing rooms: i. Maintain proper social distancing. ii. Wear the mask properly. If you need to take off the mask briefly when changing, do not talk during this period and put on the mask as soon as possible after changing. iii. Avoid sharing personal items such as towels. iv. Avoid using the same locker compartment with others to store personal items. After use, especially when lockers are to be shared with other employees, they should be cleaned and disinfected. v. Periodically clean and disinfect the environment, including lockers, at least once a day.
(m) Special considerations for the use of shower facilities: i. Social distancing of at least 1.5 meters should be maintained between users. If a separate enclosed shower is not used, alternate shower heads or showers should be used. ii. Clean and disinfect shower cubicles at least every four hours. iii. Avoid sharing personal items such as towels. iv. Regular cleaning and disinfection of the environment, including lockers, at least once a day.
(n) Special considerations for staff in dorm rooms: i. Try to arrange staff to stay in single rooms. ii. If a shared room is required, the room should not be overcrowded, a minimum distance of 1.5m should be maintained between beds and employees should avoid sleeping face-to-face. 4 iii. Employees using the facility are required to maintain adequate social distancing from others. iv. Keep the room ventilated.
(o) Special considerations for construction sites: If employees will use containers for meals, dressing or rest purposes, they should ensure the following: i. Maintain adequate social distancing • Limit the number of people using the same container at the same time ii. Maintain adequate ventilation • Open the windows as much as possible. • Maximize the fresh air from the air-conditioning units in the container and turn on the exhaust fans to facilitate air circulation. • Make sure the air conditioning system is working well: change filters and clean/sanitize the air conditioning system regularly.
(p) Apart from affecting health, smoking is strictly prohibited in most workplaces. Keep a social distance of 1.5 meters when smoking, do not pull down the mask to the chin to smoke and do not talk. Wear a mask and clean your hands as soon as possible after smoking.
(q) Encourage employees to undergo the “2019 COVID-19 Specified Group Testing Programme” arranged by the government.
(r) Employers should establish mechanisms to monitor compliance with the preventive and control measures implemented on the construction site.
(s) Post hand hygiene, cough etiquette and COVID-19 health education materials in conspicuous locations to raise awareness among staff and visitors on the prevention of COVID-19.
2. Visitors

hand sanitiser, touchless sanitizer dispenser
(a) Visitors should have their body temperature checked before visiting. Those with fever should cancel the visit, wear a surgical mask and seek medical attention as soon as possible.
(b) Landlords should take the temperature of visitors and refuse entry to visitors with a fever.
(c) All visitors are required to wear masks and clean hands before entering the premises, and to maintain vigilance and good personal hygiene.
(d) After returning home, shower/bath and wash hair, and wash clothes properly.
3. Maintain workplace hygiene
(a) Maintain good ventilation. i. If the situation permits, the windows in the office should be properly opened to increase the supply of fresh air; ii. If fans (such as wall-mounted fans, swing fans or exhaust fans) are used in the indoor space, the conversion with outdoor air should be increased at the same time (such as opening windows or maximizing fresh air from air conditioning units). Avoid blowing the wind from one person (or group of people) to the others as much as possible. iii. Make sure the air conditioning system is functioning properly and has an adequate supply of fresh air, and regularly clean the air filters and ducts.
(b) keep the environment clean. i. Frequently clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as furniture, shared items and floors. Disinfect with 1:99 diluted household bleach (i.e. mix 1 part household bleach containing 5.25% sodium hypochlorite with 99 parts water), rinse with water and dry after 15-30 minutes. Metal surfaces can be disinfected with 70% alcohol. ii. On surfaces or places contaminated with respiratory secretions, vomitus or excreta, first remove visible soiling with absorbent disposable wipes, then use 1:49 diluted household bleach (i.e. 1 part Household bleach containing 5.25% sodium hypochlorite mixed with 49 parts of clean water) to disinfect the contaminated area and surrounding areas, after 15-30 minutes, rinse with water and wipe dry. Metal surfaces can be disinfected with 70% alcohol. iii. Disinfectant spraying is not recommended. Doing so is harmful to the body and mind and does not reduce the spread of the virus. iv. Garbage should be properly wrapped and disposed of in covered trash cans. Clean the trash can at least once a day.
(c) Areas of special concern i. Places frequently visited by the public (eg lifts, escalators, lobby entrances, waiting areas, corridors, lobby information desks and rest areas): wash and wipe down at least twice a day. ii. Frequently touched surfaces (e.g. buttons, armrests, handles, seats and letterboxes): Wash and wipe at least twice a day and 6 when visibly soiled. iii. Garbage Room: The rubbish and waste stored in the Garbage Room are properly cleaned daily. Clean and wipe related facilities at least twice a day. iv. Regularly clean the extraction fans in the lift and keep them in good working order.

Toilet hand hygiene
4. Maintain toilet hygiene
(a) Toilets should be kept clean and dry.
(b) Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection.
(c) Provide liquid soap and disposable toilet paper for hand cleaning purposes.
(d) Ensure that the flushing system and hand dryer are functioning properly. (e) After using the toilet, cover the toilet seat before flushing to avoid spreading germs.
5. Maintaining sanitation in dormitory rooms
(a) A staff dormitory list should be kept on record with the location of beds and rooms to facilitate the implementation of relevant public health measures when necessary.
(b) Residential rooms are required to provide adequate hand hygiene facilities, including handwashing equipment and alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
(c) keep the place clean and hygienic.

factory air Disinfection
When there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 1. Environmental cleaning and disinfection
(a) Staff responsible for cleaning should wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including: i. Surgical masks ii. Latex gloves iii. Disposable protective clothing 7 iv. Eye protection (eye protection/face shields) v. Protective caps (optional)
(b) Staff training i. Ensure frontline cleaning staff are trained in environmental disinfection procedures and supervisors should have read and become familiar with disinfection guidelines.
(c) Enhanced Environmental Disinfection i. Disinfect all potentially contaminated environmental surfaces and supplies with 1:49 diluted household bleach (ie, 1 part household bleach containing 5.25% sodium hypochlorite mixed with 49 parts clean water) for 15 to 30 After a few minutes, rinse with water and wipe dry.
(d) When there is contamination such as spilled blood, secretions, vomitus or excreta, measures should be strengthened:
i. Staff responsible for cleaning should wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including surgical masks, gloves, disposable protective clothing, Eye protection (eye protection/face shield), protective cap (optional).
ii. Use forceps to hold a absorbent disposable rag to remove blood, secretions, vomitus or excrement for preliminary cleaning.
iii. Then carefully dispose of the used pliers and disposable rags in the waste bag without contaminating the person/environment.
iv. Disinfect with 1:4 diluted household bleach (mix 1 part of household bleach containing 5.25% sodium hypochlorite with 4 parts of clean water), wipe from outside to inside, wait for 10 minutes, then rinse with clean water, then wipe dry .
v. Dispose of all waste and cleaning implements (eg, pliers, rags, mop heads) in the waste bag after completing the procedure.
vi. Carefully remove and dispose of personal protective equipment in a waste bag, followed by hand hygiene. (If there is no obvious dirt on your hands, you can use hand sanitizer containing 70-80% alcohol to clean your hands. When your hands are obviously dirty or stained with blood or body fluids, wash your hands with liquid soap and water)
vii. Wear new gloves , properly wrap the waste bag and dispose of it in a covered trash can. Label and place trash cans in a safe and undisturbed place until 8 is collected.
viii. Carefully remove gloves and wash hands with liquid soap and water.