How to resist seasonal flu
Winter itself is a difficult test for our health: a short light day, cold, sudden temperature changes and dampness – all this does not contribute to well-being. It is not surprising that the flu epidemics occur precisely for this season.
Opinions about the epidemic situation is vary. Someone believes that we do not have the flu at this period, someone is sure that the data about the true state of affairs in our country are hushed up, and promises an epidemic in the near future. Whatever it was, avoid the flu will not work – in Europe, the Aussie is raging, the Australian flu and its appearance in our country is only a matter of time.
Much depends on how large the epidemic will be, and what its consequences will be. It hardly worth anyone to remind that the flu is a very contagious disease, easily transmitted from person to person, especially in the first five days after infection. In the UK, a country in which there have been no such epidemics for the last fifty years, “34 million work days (about 25% of the total) have been lost only because of the mild course of the disease (ECJ).”
Most of us have the flu in a week, but in children, the elderly and people with weakened immunity, this disease can lead to serious consequences. Obviously, in order to prevent local epidemics in the workplace, it is necessary to take a number of simple measures that can prevent the spread of influenza and other infectious diseases in the team and beyond, and make the working environment healthier.
Let’s start with hand washing, thanks to which up to 80% of diseases spread. Uncomplicated measure – washing them is the most effective preventive measure. Of course, we are talking about a high-quality full-fledged performance of this hygienic procedure. But if the equipment used in its process – different dispensers – has impurities on contact surfaces, then washing hands, even the most conscientious, will lead to opposite results.
Non-contact solutions contribute to better hand hygiene
In public institutions, everything to which the hands touch, including hygienic equipment, is a hotbed of pathogens. Sensory dispensers for soap and paper towels relieve people from unsafe contacts with them, promote hand hygiene and exclude further transfer of bacteria to other surfaces.
Drying hands is no less important than washing them
The fact that hands with residual moisturizing after washing are effective carriers of bacteria is a proven fact. As well as the fact that non-contact dispensers for paper towels exclude the transfer of bacteria to freshly washed hands, which greatly reduces the risk of further spread of pathogens.
In addition, contactless dispensers have the added advantage of reducing costs and quantity of waste, as they, unlike the hand-held analogs, give out only one paper towel to the user’s hands.
There is still time for improvement. Increase in the incidence of influenza epidemics is an expected phenomenon. And if it is impossible to prevent all cases of the disease, then equipping your company with the right hygienic equipment is a very realistic business that will help to protect the personnel and make the working environment more convenient and pleasant.
*Above article is translated from the report on