Is it enough to wear a mask to protect us from the virus?
With the global pandemic of the new crown pneumonia, the increasing number of confirmed cases and the number of deaths has shrouded people all over the world in an atmosphere of worry and anxiety. There are more and more true and false news about the new coronavirus, which makes people “dazzling.” New crown virus pneumonia will carry the virus for life even if it is cured? Can you prevent the new coronavirus by taking a hot bath every day? Can low temperature and snow kill the new coronavirus? Can mosquito bites spread the new coronavirus? In order to help everyone scientifically prevent the epidemic, and do not believe or spread rumors, the WHO has announced a series of rumors and facts about the new coronavirus based on the latest research results. Let’s take a look at the facts. These should be kept in mind!
01 The new coronavirus can spread in hot and humid regions From the evidence obtained so far, the virus can spread in all areas, including hot and humid climates. Regardless of the climate, if you live in or travel to an area where COVID-19 has been reported, you must take protective measures. The best way to avoid getting the virus is to wash your hands frequently. This can remove the virus that may be carried on your hands and avoid subsequent infections that may occur due to touching your eyes, mouth and nose.

Who advise, pevention, covide-19
02 Low temperature and snow cannot kill the new coronavirus There is no reason to think that cold weather can kill the new coronavirus or other diseases. Regardless of the outside temperature or weather, the normal body temperature remains around 36.5 and 37. Washing hands frequently with alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water is the most effective way to protect yourself from infection.
03 The new coronavirus cannot be spread through mosquito bites So far, there is no information or evidence that mosquitoes may transmit the new coronavirus. The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus. It is mainly spread through contact with respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through contact with their saliva or nose. To protect yourself, wash your hands frequently with alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water, and avoid close contact with people who are coughing or sneezing.
04 It can be cured after getting new coronary pneumonia Does not mean you will carry the virus for life Most patients can recover and no longer have the virus in their bodies. If you suffer from this disease, you must treat it symptomatically. If you have cough, fever, or difficulty breathing, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible, but please call the medical institution first. After receiving symptomatic and supportive treatment, most patients can recover.
05 Sun exposure or temperatures higher than 25 degrees Celsius will not prevent new coronary pneumonia No matter how full the sun is or how hot the weather is, you may catch the new coronavirus. Countries with hot weather have also reported COVID-19 cases. To protect yourself, please wash your hands frequently and carefully, and do not touch your eyes, mouth and nose.
06 Able to hold your breath for 10 seconds or more without coughing or feeling unwell, It does not mean that you do not have COVID-19 or any other lung diseases The most common symptoms of COVID-19 pneumonia are dry cough, fatigue and fever. Some people may suffer from more serious diseases such as pneumonia. Laboratory testing is the best way to confirm whether you are sick. This breathing exercise cannot be used for testing, and it may even be dangerous.
07 Drinking alcohol does not protect you from COVID-19. It may cause harm Frequent or excessive drinking may exacerbate health problems. image 08 Taking a hot bath does not prevent new coronary pneumonia Taking a hot bath cannot prevent the new coronavirus pneumonia. Regardless of your bath or shower temperature, your normal body temperature will remain between 36.5°C and 37°C. In fact, when taking a hot bath, if the water is too hot, it is harmful and may burn you. Washing your hands frequently is the best way to prevent it. It can remove viruses from your hands and avoid possible infections caused by touching your eyes, mouth and nose.
About rumors Here is the answer!
01 Are young people susceptible to infection? People of all ages may be affected by the new coronavirus. Older people and people with diseases such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease may be more likely to contract the virus. The WHO recommends that people of all ages take measures to protect themselves from the virus, such as maintaining healthy hygiene habits such as clean hands.
02 Is the hand dryer effective in killing the new coronavirus? invalid. Hand dryers cannot effectively kill the new coronavirus. In order to prevent yourself from contracting the new coronavirus, you should always wash your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water. After washing your hands, dry them thoroughly with a paper towel or use a warm air hand dryer.

is hand dryer effective on covide-19
03 Can ultraviolet disinfection lamps kill the new coronavirus? Ultraviolet lamps should not be used to disinfect hands or other skin parts, because ultraviolet radiation can cause erythema (skin allergy).
04 Are temperature scanners effective in detecting people infected with the new coronavirus? Yes, the body temperature scanner is effective in detecting people who have a fever due to the new coronavirus. However, if you have been infected but have not yet had a fever, it cannot be detected by the body temperature scanner. This is because it takes 2-10 days for an infected person to get sick and have a fever.
05 Can spraying alcohol or chlorine all over the body kill the new coronavirus? Can’t. Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over the body will not kill viruses that have entered the body. Spraying such substances may be harmful to clothes or mucous membranes (ie eyes, mouth). Please note that alcohol and chlorine may be useful for disinfecting various surfaces, but proper recommendations must be followed when using them.

alcohol spray on covide 19
06 Can the pneumonia vaccine prevent the new coronavirus? Can’t. Pneumonia vaccines, such as pneumococcal vaccine and Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine, cannot prevent the new coronavirus. This virus is a new virus and requires a special vaccine. With the support of WHO, researchers are working hard to develop a new coronavirus vaccine. Although these respiratory disease vaccines are not effective in preventing the new coronavirus, we strongly recommend these vaccines to maintain health.
07 Regularly clean the nose with saline Will it help prevent infection with the new coronavirus? There is no evidence that regular flushing of the nose with normal saline can prevent infection with the new coronavirus. There is some limited evidence that regular cleaning of the nose with saline can help people recover from the common cold more quickly. However, regular cleaning of the nose does not prevent respiratory infections.
08 Can eating garlic prevent new coronavirus infection? Garlic is a healthy food and may have some antibacterial properties. However, from the current epidemic situation, there is no evidence that eating garlic can protect people from the new coronavirus infection.
09 Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating the new coronavirus? Antibiotics are not effective against viruses, but only against bacteria. The new coronavirus is a virus, so antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment. However, if you are hospitalized with the new coronavirus, you may be treated with antibiotics because you may be infected with bacteria at the same time.
10. Are there any drugs for the prevention and treatment of the new coronavirus? So far, there are no drugs specifically designed to prevent and treat the new coronavirus. Those infected with the virus should receive treatment for relief and symptomatic treatment, while patients with severe illness should receive the best supportive treatment for all their symptoms. Specific treatments are under research and will be tested through clinical trials. WHO is working with partners to help accelerate research and development efforts.
In China, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 outbreak, the government issued guidelines for the public to wear masks in public. In this regard, the WHO encourages countries including China that have adopted similar measures to conduct scientific research on whether wearing masks can help curb COVID-19, so that the outside world can learn relevant experience.
However, is it enough to wear a mask to protect us from the virus?
Over the past period of time, we have conducted observations in Chinese communities, parks, and streets to see how people behave after wearing masks. However, many examples we have seen prove that wearing a mask alone is not enough to contain the virus. While wearing the mouth, you must take other protective measures, including washing your hands frequently, disinfecting the surface of objects, and so on. People must learn how to wear and remove masks correctly. Failure to strictly follow the correct way is obviously not enough.
First of all, if you only wear a mask but fail to wash your hands frequently or touch your face with unwashed hands, you are still at risk of being infected by the virus.

medical hand washing in hospitals
Secondly, if you wear a mask but take it off and spit on the place, if you wear a mask but take it off when sneezing or coughing, or if you touch your child’s mask, face or hair without washing your hands, you may even become a spreader of the virus.
Third, if you wear a mask but don’t put it on or take it off correctly, you are still at risk of being infected by the virus. After staying at home for more than two months, we are now all ready to go outside and enjoy the sun, fresh air and some usual life. But at the same time, we should also realize that the existence of the virus and the threat of a comeback are still risks that cannot be ignored.
At present, the main form of transmission of COVID-19 is still through droplets and contact with surfaces contaminated by droplets.
So the best way to protect us from the new coronavirus has not changed from beginning to end: Wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol-free hand sanitizer, wash your hands, and then wash your hands. Regularly disinfect the items in daily contact. Keep a distance of more than 1 meter in social situations. Do not touch your eyes or mouth and nose with unwashed hands (even if you are already wearing a mask) When coughing or sneezing, bend your elbows or cover your mouth and nose with a tissue.

How to stay safe