New insights into COVID-19 disinfection


Whether or not a disinfectant is effective against a certain type of virus depends, among other reasons, on the structure of the virus, Steinmann explains: ‘Coronavirus is covered by a lipid membrane which stores proteins. This makes it susceptible to alcohol-based disinfectants because they destroy the membrane and inactivate the virus.’ If this membrane is…

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Cleaning verification in CIP circuits

proper hygiene

The verification of cleanliness in CIP circuits is necessary to optimize the resources used and ensure proper hygiene. CIP circuits (Cleaning In Process) are part of the revolution that has led to the concept of hygienic design in the food industry. Thanks to the CIP equipment we get a less expensive cleaning in terms of…

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The importance of handwashing in the prevention of infections.

Handwashing, health care, Infections, disinfectant, epidemic

Given the information circulating in various media about the presence of multiresistant bacteria (example KPC) in different hospitals, we share readings related to hand hygiene, a fundamental aspect for the control of the dispersion of these bacteria and thus prevent infections. There are many aspects and measures for the prevention of infections, including hand hygiene.…

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Surgical hand washing

Hand hygiene, surgical care, Handwashing, health care, Infections, disinfectant, epidemic

Every May 5 we celebrate World Handwashing Day to make everyone aware that this simple fact can save lives and protect our health. Hygiene in surgical care SAVES LIVES: wash your hands. Improving hand hygiene practices in surgical services is a priority. After 10 years of the WHO program “Clean care is safer care”, these…

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What is the difference between cleaning and disinfecting?

disinfectant, clean and disinfect, Prevent contamination ,disease, germs, surfaces

We mistakenly think that when we also clean disinfect. But, on the other hand, both processes involve very different results. We also consider that a place or object is clean, when we do not find visible dirt. But this hygiene is superficial since at first glance we can not detect the germs and bacteria that…

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Using disinfectant for the hands reduces the days of illness

DESINFECTANT, children, hand washing, hospital

A recent study shows that the type and type of product that we use when washing our hands has a direct impact on how often we get sick. According to a study published in the Pediatrics Magazine. Spanish researchers demonstrated that children who used hand sanitizers instead of soap and water reduced their days of…

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