2019 Global Hand Washing Day

clean, hands, infection, handwashing day

Since 2008, World Handwashing Day is celebrated annually every October 15. 2008 was also designated by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Year of Sanitation. Since then, World Handwashing Day aims to extend the best hygiene practices to the entire planet. The practice of washing your hands is common in most parts of…

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World Handwashing Day: Attention! Washing your hand is not a small thing

hand washing day

October 15th is World Handwashing Day. Some people will think, “Where there is so much attention to washing your hands, just put it under the faucet.” Although we wash our hands every day, most people don’t know how to wash their hands properly and scientifically, even “washing more dirty” . Are you really doing the…

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Hand washing in schools, essential to grow with the habit

handwashing, school, toilet, soap

Handwashing with soap and water is one of the most effective and economical ways to prevent gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases. On October 15, World Handwashing Day was celebrated, which aims to make this hygienic practice a habit in schools, homes and communities around the world. World Handwashing Day is promoted internationally by a coalition of…

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