World Hand Hygiene Day 2022

Hand hygiene, saves life
To prioritize clean hands in health facilities, people at all levels need to believe in the importance of hand hygiene and IPC to save lives, by acting as key players in achieving the appropriate behaviours and attitudes towards it. In other words, health workers at all levels and people accessing health care facilities need to unite on ensuring clean hands.
From WHO, this year’s theme for World Hand Hygiene Day, 5 May 2022, is focused on recognizing that we can add to a facility’s climate or culture of safety and quality through cleaning our hands but also that a strong quality and safety culture will encourage people to clean hands at the right times and with the right products.
Unite, talk and work together on hand hygiene for high quality safer care everywhere.
The link between handwashing and disease transmission was discovered 200 years ago. As we all know, hand hygiene in public places is an important means of preventing infectious diseases, and it is also the basis for preventing and controlling nosocomial infections in hospitals. It is considered to be the most effective, simplest and most economical means.
1. Why wash hands
People often say “disease comes from the mouth”. In fact, in tated food with che process of “disease enters from the mouth”, the two hands play an irreplaceable role in taking, taking, receiving, and sending. Whether it is taking contaminlean hands or eating clean food with contaminated hands, germs are sent into the mouth through hands, which can also be said to be “diseases from hands”.
According to statistics, in daily life, more than 400,000 bacteria can be attached to one hand of a person. When the body’s resistance decreases, it is more likely to induce various diseases. And hand washing can get rid of bacteria and worm eggs adhering to the hands, only washing hands with running water can wash away 80% of the bacteria on the hands, if you wash with soap, then rinse with running water, you can wash up to 99% of the bacteria on the hands. bacteria. Therefore, hand washing is especially important in daily life.
2. When to wash hands
Wash hands before and after meals, before and after defecation; wash hands after returning home from outside; wash hands after touching common objects such as handrails, door handles, elevator buttons; Wash your hands after being sick; before holding a baby, or after cleaning, etc.
In a nutshell: Wash your hands before touching clean items, or after touching contaminated items.
3. How to wash your hands properly
Proper hand washing steps:
1. Use running water to fully wet your hands;
2. Take an appropriate amount of soap or soap solution and apply it evenly to the entire palm, back of the hand, fingers and between the fingers;
3. Care should be taken to wash all the skin of the hands, the backs of the fingers, the tips of the fingers and the gaps between the fingers.
Simple and easy-to-remember seven-step hand washing formula: “inside, outside, clip, bow, big, stand, wrist”.
Explain the steps of the seven-step handwashing method in detail
Special Note: During the hand washing process, carefully rub your hands for at least 15 seconds. If you wash your hands with running water, plus the time to wet your hands and apply soap or hand sanitizer, the whole process takes about 40 to 60 seconds (disposable hand sanitizer takes about 20 to 30 seconds).
Fourth, what are the mistakes of washing hands
1. Do you have to wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer? Is it ok to just wash your hands with water?
Answer: No! When using soap or hand sanitizer, fully rubbing and lathering on your hands can effectively kill bacteria, and it is also the easiest and most effective method.
2. The virus on the hands cannot be washed away with only water. What should I do if there is no tap water?
A: If there is no running water, you can use a scoop to wash with water, or you can improve containers such as bottles and use it as a tool for washing hands with running water.
3. How long does it take to wash your hands?
A: The best time to wash your hands can be controlled for more than 30 seconds. Only after this time can you achieve a good cleaning effect.
4. What should be paid attention to after washing hands?
After washing your hands, remember to dry your hands with a clean towel or paper towel. The warm and humid environment is easy to breed bacteria. At the same time, pay attention to the cleaning of towels to avoid pollution.
The current epidemic is not over yet. Frequent hand washing is as important as wearing a mask. Every one of us needs to practice, pay attention to hand hygiene, and develop good hygiene habits. Start with frequent hand washing and start with you and me. World Hand Hygiene Day is not just a memorial day! Let’s pay attention to hand hygiene, strengthen the concept of infection control, change behavior patterns, wash hands correctly, “build” healthy hands, and work together to build a better life!