What’s the Benefits of Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispensers

Medical, hand hygiene, clean

Sanitizers are typically liquid or gel structures that may or may not contain alcohol. People use it to get rid of germs, viruses, and bacteria that pile up on our hands and surfaces around us. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to go touchless has been continuously highlighted to combat the spread of…

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Industrial hygiene

industrial hygiene

Industrial hygiene consists of prevention, identification and action on risks in work spaces. Professional spaces often present multiple risks for workers and, on other occasions, affect their well-being without our realizing it. This factor can become a problem since, as we highlighted in our Barometer on health in work environments, the well-being of workers directly…

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Better hand hygiene, reduce the spread of coronavirus

cdc, prevention, healthcare, infection, hand washing, sanitizing

We are constantly being reminded of the role that hand hygiene plays in preventing the spread of germs. But studies regularly show that many people – including those working in hygiene-critical industries – are still failing to wash their hands as often as they should. Why is this the case, and how can well-designed hand…

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World Handwashing Day: Attention! Washing your hand is not a small thing

hand washing day

October 15th is World Handwashing Day. Some people will think, “Where there is so much attention to washing your hands, just put it under the faucet.” Although we wash our hands every day, most people don’t know how to wash their hands properly and scientifically, even “washing more dirty” . Are you really doing the…

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How to choose the right Hand Hygiene Dispensers

Hospital hygiene standard

While each manufacturer typically will give their individual ‘take’ on a hand hygiene dispenser at the end of the day they can be broken down into three main categories: bulk fill, automatic, and manual.  There are clear pros and cons to each, at the end of the day it is up to the customer to…

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