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2023 world hand hygiene day
COVID-19 大流行凸显了手部卫生的重要性及其在减少传染病传播方面的作用。根据世界卫生组织 (WHO) 的说法,用肥皂和水洗手或使用含酒精的洗手液是防止 COVID-19 和其他传染病传播的最有效方法之一。 世界卫生组织将5月5日定为世界手部卫生日,以提高人们对手部卫生重要性的认识,并推广洗手和消毒的最佳实践。 然而,仅仅洗手或使用洗手液是不够的。洗手液和皂液器的选择在减少感染传播方面也起着至关重要的作用。如前所述,皂液器主要有两种类型:可再填充或散装分配器和密封盒式分配器。 乍一看,可再填充或散装分配器似乎更具成本效益,但它们会带来更大的污染风险,并可能导致感染的传播。如前所述,研究表明,公共卫生间的散装皂液器经常被危险水平的细菌污染,包括潜在有害的病原体。 另一方面,密封的墨盒分配器提供了一种更卫生、更有效的肥皂分配方式。通过防止肥皂和分配器之间的接触,污染的风险大大降低。此外,密封滤芯提供更好的成本控制,需要更少的维护,从长远来看可以节省时间和金钱。 需要注意的是,适当的手部卫生在某些环境中尤为重要,例如食品处理和医疗保健部门。在这些行业中,使用密封皂液器对于防止病原体污染引起的爆发以及保护客户、患者和员工的健康和安全至关重要。 总之,手部卫生是防止传染病传播的重要做法,尤其是在全球大流行期间。虽然用肥皂和水洗手或使用洗手液很重要,但选择合适的皂液器以确保最高水平的卫生和安全也同样重要。因此,让我们把手部卫生放在首位,不仅在世界手部卫生日,而且在每一天。 ...
Holiday Notice (Labour day)
Dear Sir/Madam, January 5th is International Workers' Day, in order to celebrate this meaningful day, we will take 2023-4-29~2023-5-3 and resume work on 5-4-2023. If you need any help, please feel free to contact 0574-56202601, thank you. Wish all of you enjoy a great holiday. Best Regards Whole team of ...
Hand hygiene compliance 2023
手部卫生依从性仍然是预防传染病传播的最有效方法之一。2023 年,随着 COVID-19 和其他传染病的持续威胁,手部卫生合规性变得比以往任何时候都更加重要。 几十年来,医疗机构在促进手部卫生合规性方面一直处于领先地位,并制定了协议和指南,以确保工作人员和患者定期有效地洗手。然而,近年来,人们越来越认识到手部卫生在其他环境中的重要性,例如学校、工作场所和公共场所。 2023 年,手部卫生合规已成为这些环境中的重中之重,开展了旨在提高人们对洗手重要性的认识并鼓励人们养成良好的手部卫生习惯的运动和倡议。这包括: 教育和培训:人们越来越重视教育公众了解手部卫生的重要性,并提供有关如何有效洗手的培训。学校、工作场所和公共场所实施了培训计划,以确保每个人都了解手部卫生的重要性,并知道如何正确洗手。 使用洗手液:洗手液在包括学校和工作场所在内的公共场所无处不在,使人们在旅途中更容易保持双手清洁。 技术:技术在促进手部卫生合规性方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。一些工作场所和学校已经实施了手部卫生监测系统,该系统使用传感器来检测是否有人进入房间或使用洗手间,并提醒他们洗手。 加强执法:在一些环境中,例如医疗机构和食品服务机构,人们越来越关注执行手部卫生规程。这包括定期审核和检查,以确保员工遵循正确的手部卫生程序。 总之,手部卫生依从性仍然是 2023 年防止传染病传播的关键组成部分。随着教育的增加、洗手液的普及、技术和执法,手部卫生合规性在学校、工作场所和公共场所变得越来越普遍。通过继续优先考虑手部卫生,我们可以帮助保持我们自己和社区的健康和安全。 ...

How to prevent norovirus infection?
Recently, Norovirus causes acute infectious diarrhea, which has entered the peak period of the disease. According to the CDC, the peak period of norovirus infection outbreaks is from September to March of the following year, and there is a high possibility of norovirus infection outbreaks after various schools start school ...

What does distributors focus more on automatic hand sanitiser dispenser?
Distributors of automatic hand sanitizer dispensers typically focus on several key factors when deciding which products to distribute: Quality and reliability: Distributors will look for dispensers that are well-made, durable, and reliable, with a low rate of malfunctions or defects. Price competitiveness: Distributors want to offer products that are competitively ...

What’s the difference of automatic soap dispenser & sanitiser dispenser
Automatic soap dispensers and automatic hand sanitizer dispensers are designed to dispense soap or hand sanitizer automatically, without the need for manual pumping or pouring. They both use sensors or touch activation to release the product, making them convenient and hygienic options for dispensing soap or hand sanitizer in various ...

How to choose automatic hand sanitiser dispenser
When choosing an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser, consider the following factors: Capacity: Determine the size of the dispenser based on the volume of hand sanitizer you need to dispense. Choose a dispenser that has enough capacity to hold enough sanitizer for the intended use. Dispensing method: There are two main ...

Chinese New Year Holiday Notice
Dear Partners, Happy New Year. The Spring festival is coming, and we would be off from 2023-01-21~2023-01-29, resume to work on 2023-01-30. Should any assist needed during the holiday, please be free to contact, for urgent response, please call at +86-574-56202601, thanks. The whole team of Ningbo Changqi wish all ...

Must-know knowledge points for COVID-19 protection
The epidemic situation is still very serious, hope below points would be helpful to you. 1. The new coronavirus has a strong transmission ability and evolutionary adaptability, and will continue to mutate in the future. 2. Although it has been observed that the new coronavirus has mutated multiple times, and ...

Do you know positive hand hygiene helps reduce the nursery absence?
Washing hands seems to be a trivial thing in life, but maintaining hand hygiene is an important and cost-effective measure to prevent and control the spread of pathogens through contact. For some special groups, such as medical workers, infants, the elderly, and food production and processing practitioners, they should pay ...